Find and apply to Government of Canada jobs and training opportunities for Indigenous people, including students and graduates:
Count yourself in! Self-declare as an Indigenous person when you apply
There are many public-service wide job opportunities available to you, as well as opportunities run by specific departments and agencies. Keep reading to learn more about these opportunities.
Don’t forget to self-declare as an Indigenous person when you apply!
Public service-wide job opportunities.
Job opportunities run by specific departments and agencies
Be sure to visit GC Jobs to find out about other recruitment programs in other federal departments and agencies.
Learn more about the opportunities that are available to you.
Don’t forget to self-declare as an Indigenous person when you apply!Job opportunities for Indigenous job seekersTraining opportunities and profiles for Indigenous peopleJob opportunities open to Indigenous employees of the federal public servicePublic service-wide job opportunities open to all Canadians
Be sure to visit GC Jobs to find out about recruitment programs in other federal departments and agencies and browse through all the available opportunities.
For more information about job and training opportunities for Indigenous people, contact the Aboriginal Centre of Expertise at: